About Us

Louisville Public Media (LPM) is an independent, community-supported nonprofit serving our community on the web, on the radio, through podcasts and community events. LPM includes three public radio stations and an investigative unit.

LPM’s mission is to inform, inspire and empower through independent news, music, education and experiences that reflect our diverse community.

News. Arts. Music. Experiences. This is how LPM connects to our community. We are here for you, and we are here because of you.

We are your trusted and reliable source for civic news that affects you, your neighborhood, your city and your state.

89.3 WFPL News Louisville provides you with the essential news and resources you need to understand and make decisions about our community and our world. We are an independent, nonpartisan news outlet that reports without fear or favor. We do fact-based reporting that is free from political and corporate influence. We produce and distribute daily journalism online and through broadcast and digital audio. We are the NPR affiliate serving Greater Louisville, Kentucky and Southern Indiana. Here is our coverage area. Additionally, we collaborate to serve a statewide audience through the Kentucky Public Radio Network.

The Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting exposes wrongdoing, increases transparency, and holds leaders accountable. We work to protect society’s most vulnerable citizens, expose wrongdoing in the public and private sectors, increase transparency in government and hold leaders accountable. We dig for the truth without fear or favor, cut through red tape and spark public conversation.

Through the Ohio Valley ReSource, we partner with neighboring news organizations to chronicle the economic transitions in our region and examine solutions for the future. We will tell the human stories behind the region’s economy, energy, environment, food, health and infrastructure.

The friendly and knowledgeable voices at 91.9 WFPK Music Louisville highlight our local arts and music scene — on the radio, at WFPK Waterfront Wednesday® and at the many concerts we present across the community.

The 24-hour listener-supported, noncommercial radio station is an award-winning hub for independent, adult alternative music and American gems like jazz and bluegrass. We introduce you to significant new music, connect you to Louisville’s best and play your long-time favorites for an eclectic mix that can’t be heard anywhere else. We also offer special community programming like Mental Health Days.

90.5 WUOL Classical Louisville brings the beauty and relaxation of classical music to your homes, offices, cars and anywhere you are. We work to reverse practices that excluded and marginalized music and artists of color. And we offer free, hands-on music education to tens of thousands of young people in local schools and community centers each year.

When you want to listen on your own schedule, LPM has a podcast for you. Music lessons, daily headlines, thought-provoking storytelling, groundbreaking investigations and so much more. LPM podcasts go wherever you want to listen. And our podcast incubator helps put community voices and stories in your pocket.

For more about LPM, visit our website at LPM.org.